We understand your significant concern for a pleasing dental appearance. We help you achieve it by improving the appearance of your teeth and gums. We have customized dental treatments to meet the expectations of every person. We offer durable and versatile services that can achieve noticeable improvements in dental care.
This is a process which uses range of techniques to improve a patient’s smile. People who have tooth imperfections like chips, stains, cracks, spaces between teeth, rotated tooth, fractured tooth, extruded tooth, unshapely or a gummy smile are ideal candidates for smile make over.
Porcelain Veneers, Professional teeth whitening, crowns, implants, Orthodontic corrections for misaligned teeth, composite bonding, laser gum contouring, Botox or a dermal filler, replacement of metal /amalgam fillings with natural, white looking restorations.
This is much the same as for any dental treatment. If you have opted for porcelain veneers then you can expect your gums to feel slightly sore and tender for couple of days. If you had implants, gum contouring -mild pain or discomfort can be there.
Patients often report a pride in their new smile as well as feeling more confident in social or work-related situations. Teeth that have been replaced, repaired, covered, straightened mean less risk of infections, decay, or damage and so the health benefits. On the aesthetic aspect, teeth will look and feel so much better that one will have a smile always on their faces backed by confidence and well -being.